Public, Semi-public Facilities and Utilities Zone: Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited
- Dispensary
- Exhibition centre
- Fire station/fire post
- Function hall
- Guest house
- Health/primary center
- Helipad
- Hospital
- Hostel
- Hotel on plot above 1000
- Educational Institutions like., School,Degree Colleges and ProfessionalColleges / Universities.
- Jail
- L P Gas Godown
- Library
- Monument
- Museum/art gallery
- Offices
- Open air theatre
- Petrol pump
- Police station/police post
- Polytechnic college
- Post office
- Public utilities and buildings
- Radio transmitter and wireless station
- Railway station/yard
- Religious building/center
- Research and development center
- Residential plotted or group housing forstaff / employees as incidental to themain use
- Retail shopping centre
- School
- Service station
- Sewage disposal works
- Social and cultural institutions
- Social and welfare centers
- Telecommunication centre
- Telephone exchange
- Universities and specialized educationalinstitutions
- Warehouses/storage godown
- Water supply installations
- Water supply, drainage, storm water,solid waste disposal, electricity, communication system and related installations, parking lots, public utility buildings
- Any other use other than the specificreservation
- Dairy and poultry farms
- Farm houses
- Heavy, extensive and other obnoxiousand hazardous industries
- Junk yards
- Processing and sale of farm products and uses not specifically permitted herein
- Slaughter houses
- Wholesale markets
- Workshops for servicing and repairs