Government Lands – Regularization and transfer of rights on lands encroachments on unobjectionable Govt. land and Surplus land under Urban Land Ceiling to the people on payment basis – Orders – Issued. ________________________________________________________
G.O.Ms.No.59 Dated:30-12-2014. Read:
Meeting of all Political Parties held on 16-12-2014. ****
In the meeting of all political parties held on 16-12-2014, all participants stated that there is a need to regularize possession of government lands, which are having dwelling units and permanent structures and people are in occupation of these bits of land since a long time. It was also recognized that such a step will be in public interest as it will bring clarity about title of land and promote planned development and improvement of services. Local bodies as eligible for provision of all services will recognize these in a regular way.
2. In view of this, the Government hereby order to alienate and regularize possession of unobjectionable Government land and surplus land under Urban Land Ceiling in respect of the possessions held by people, on payment basis for possessions held for both residential and non residential purposes. The following are the terms and conditions for regularization:
i) Possessions in Unobjectionable Government lands and Surplus Lands under Urban Land Ceiling will be regularized by way of alienations.
ii) Only encroachment by way of functional building units is considered for assignment.
iii) Possession held on or before 02.06.2014 is eligible for regularization.
iv) The following are the rates to be collected for regularization to the respective extents of residential:
- 1) Possession up to 250 square yards: 50 % of the Basic Value as on 02.06.2014.
- 2) Possession up to 500 square yards: 75 % of the Basic Value as on 02.06.2014.
- 3) Possession above 500 square yards : Basic Value as on 02.06.2014.
v) Non-residential possessions: Irrespective of extent, Basic Value as on 02.06.2014 shall be collected.
vi) Possession of government land as extension or appurtenant to a dwelling unit on land already owned or assigned may be considered for regularization on payment of full basic value.
vii) The possessors in the encroachments, who are desirous to get regularization should submit applications to the Tahsildar concerned within 20 days from the date of issue of this G.O.
viii)The applicants should pay 25% of basic value of the land by way of Demand Draft in favour of Government of Telangana
State and enclose the same to the application.
ix) PROOF OF IDENTITY (any of these) – a) Adhaar card,
b) Any other document.
x) Proof of possession (any one of these)
1) A Registered Document 2) Property Tax Receipt 3) Electricity Bill Receipt 4) Water bill receipt
5) Any other proof to establish possession
xi) Competent Authority for regularization: A Committee consisting of Revenue Divisional Officer of the concerned Division as Chairman and the Tahsildar concerned as the Member Convener shall be the Committee of Regularization.
xii)The Committee of Regularization shall dispose of all the applications received for regularization within 90 days from the date of its receipt.
- xiii) As per the recommendations of the Committee, the Tahsildar concerned shall get conveyance Deed executed in the name of a Female member of the Family.
- xiv) The Joint Collector concerned will be the Grievance Redressal Authority in the matter if any and he may give directions to
the committee as he deems fit.
Government reserve right to reject any application without assigning any reason
State is requested to issue suitable operational guidelines and instructions to all the District Collectors in the state for smooth implementation of the above orders immediately.
4. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (Exp.Rev) Department vide their U.O.No.349/EBS.VII/2014, Dated:30.12.2014.
The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Telangana, Hyderabad. The Commissioner, Survey Settlements & Land Records, Telangana
All District Collectors in the State of Telangana
All Heads of Departments.
The Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA, Hyderabad.
The Vice-Chairman, Kakatiya Urban Development Authority, Warangal. All Departments of Secretariat.
Copy to:-
The P.S to Dy.CM(Revenue)
The P.S to Chief Secretary
The P.S to Addl.Secy to CM
Finance (Exp.Rev) Department.
The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Telangana