Open Space Recreational: Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited
Uses Permitted
- Bird sanctuary
- Botanical/zoological garden
- Building and structures ancillary to use permitted inopen spaces and parks subject to the total groundcoverage not exceeding 2%
- Camping grounds
- Children traffic parks
- Commercial use of transit nature like circus
- Film Studios/city, having minimum plot area of 10acres, with ground coverage not exceeding 10%
- Holiday resorts, having minimum plot area of 10acres, with ground coverage not exceeding 5%
- Local parks
- Open air cinemas/auditoria
- Outdoor sports stadiums
- Picnic huts with built up area not exceeding 2%
- Playgrounds
- Public & institutional libraries with total built up areanot exceeding 2% of total site
- Regional parks
- Restaurants as part of sports, recreational outdoorfacilities not exceeding 5% ground coverage
- Shooting range
- Specialised parks/ maidans for multi-use
- Sports training centres
- Swimming pools with built up areas not exceeding 2% of total area
USES Prohibited
- Any building or structure which is not required for open air recreation
- Dwelling units except for watch and ward